New Public Version: V0.6.6.0 (Merry Christmas)

Merry Christmas!

just a week away

Since last public release I've polished the existing content and added a lot more detail to the village areas. As part of the public release here I'm giving preview access to the Parish area since it doesn't look quite as barren now. If you get there, you should also unlock the ability to color your non-corrupted clothes. I also added in a secret area I wanted to add for a long time. also because people kept demanding it there's now a feature so you can recall your last saved corruption (the game will save a copy automatically next time you get on) at the hotsprings so if you have a set of corruptions you really like you can save it and return to it, at a cost. This is a feature that will be improved upon later, so it doesn't have fancy graphics or anything yet.

Also speaking of improvements to existing content, Voice can now catually be corrupted from the cat's ending, as long as you stay a cat-girl too.

There's a lot of improvements but not exactly boatloads of new 'erotic' content in the public version. I spent a lot of time working on the new enemy (Imps) and I also worked on a new scene that's in the Patreon/Subscribestar versions, with art courtesy of an artist who goes by 'Penguru'. Given they've drawn ram-girls before I thought they'd be a great choice for a scene that emphasises the player's ram-horns corruption.

this is supposed to be center aligned but is playing dumb with me

I haven't been slacking at all, it's just new enemies take a lot of time! (something I will rectify whenever I finally finish the game and start a new game, which could take a couple of years still, I want making enemies to be easier) (I keep saying this to cope with the monumental task of finishing the game but it will be finished)

In fact, if anyone recalls, I said I was moving out from my dusty cramped abode and from working while lying on my bed, to a new place where I'd even have an office space to work at. I'm delighted to say the move has gone well, I no longer have to worry about constant allergies and to top it all off, I'm putting in at least 50% more work time. I'd even say 100%, but I need to see the long-term results, and I don't want to downplay that I really was working full-time on the game before. Now it's more like I'm working two full-time jobs making this game. thank you again everyone who supported me, your support is making me stronger and a threat to society!!!

so, yes. If you just wanna see the new christmas scene you can throw me the $7 on the sub sites for the all-inclusive tier or you can just wait until it makes it to public and then shamelessly set your date and time to December, I'm not so ridiculous as to make it a limited-time thing. I made the main menu snow screen in just a couple of hours anyway, maybe I'll have an entire snow tileset ready next year give me a vibe check next November

ok bye


MonCurse Changelogs Public V0.6.6.0.txt 41 kB
65 days ago 225 MB
Version 65 days ago
monmusu-curse-android.apk 350 MB
Version 65 days ago 239 MB
Version 65 days ago 226 MB
Version 65 days ago

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(1 edit)

 how do you open the present like all the stuff needed to do so

just need Ram's horns, either the elite rams can give it to you or using Draining Kiss


Thanks for being such a menace to society. I'm glad you are so eager to keep this up. Take care of yourself though. Ok bye!


Honestly, I love this game, even without the erotica in it it's a very interesting concept gameplay-wise that I've never seen in this specific dynamic before (usually it's top-down, and I really how it feels used as a platformer.) I've yet to sub to any kind of game but in this instance I'm severely tempted just to encourage you to continue on with this project. Definitely a game I hold in high regard. Keep on keeping on! Excited to see where this project goes overall!


is anyone else's game freezing when they try to go to the world map??


same here (on Linux)


(Copy-pasting my other reply) I've just released a fix in case you're using Wayland linux. It should hopefully work this time.


Thanks, it works now <3


sweet, thank you for the fix

I've just released a fix in case you're using Wayland linux. It should hopefully work this time.


Great news! Appreciate your work, you're amazing! 😍