The First Devlog - 3 Year Anniversary!

Last week, when I updated the game, it was the 3rd anniversary of me starting this game.
I haven't been making devlogs until now because ... I'm just like that, okay? I like to make game, so I make game.

If I only update every season, people start to say "is the game dead?" and I get all these weird looks. It's pretty much expected for devs to update frequently.
I'm going to update more frequently. You got it, you broke me. More game. More updates. is telling me to attach a screenshot and the links to the last public update, so there it is from a week ago. That update was only roughly a month after the last public update! The main features of this public update was adding in the werewolf's and harpy's mini-scenes which happen under certain conditions.
I've just updated the Patreon version here: which is only a week since the last Patreon update. Last week added werewolf TFs, this week is expanding upon the corruption system with some new effects and a corruption "lockout" beyond the limit of existing corruptions. I wanted to ensure that players couldn't just remove all their corruptions before entering the Parish, once it's available, it'd ruin the point. You can still go all the way back home and cleanse yourself or go lose.
Expect some further detail down the line, such as keeping the fox's hair or the cat's paws if you reach that level of corruption. Right now I'd like to prioritize either new content, or making existing corruptions have more of an impact.

So, that's it. I wanted to announce that I'm trying to be more of a public figure by:
- Monthly public updates, with an devlog for each. Public updates tend to be about a month behind and also exclude any content that's too 'raw' or 'unfinished' to leave the test builds.
- Weekly Patreon updates, with a devlog on discord for each (I've been doing weekly devlogs there for years:
I cannot promise that it will actually be every week or every month, don't stress me out too much, those are just goals that I'm aiming towards.

Does this mean the game is being developed faster?
Perhaps. I'm consistent at working on the game and over time I'll have less old content to rework and more new content to make. Plus, because I've got people supporting me on Patreon now, I've been paying artists to help out in various ways and you'll definitely see some HIGH QUALITY art showing up from that, including a greater variety of content. There's a scene ready right now that I need to start writing for...

There's also a Trello roadmap of the game:
There's a very tentative finish date of 2026. It's a long time but not as long as I've been making this game for. As much as I want to clear all the content straight to the end, I will be adding content on the side, especially if I can afford to get artists to help make it. Any money that isn't immediately going towards artists is either saved in case I suddenly lose funding (it can happen) or so I can move to somewhere cheap that isn't in the middle of nowhere and maybe has a gym. Some office space too. Can it have some in-house artists I can hire as well?

Apparently I couldn't even qualify for a visa before now; they actually expect you to have some savings to your name before you go abroad. Crazy.


MonCurse Changelogs V0. 31 kB
Jul 06, 2024 225 MB
Version Jul 06, 2024
monmusu-curse-android.apk 350 MB
Version Jul 06, 2024 239 MB
Version Jul 06, 2024 226 MB
Version Jul 06, 2024

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Wow, this is amazing, just try not to burnout excessively due to the now monthly updates here ;D


Love this game and am excited for more updates! Even if development doesn't actually end up happening faster lol. Happy 3 years!


Woo yeah baby thats what im talking about


Thanks boss

great game!!